Monday, March 16, 2009

President Obama: A Celebration in Art Quilts - exhibit catalog

Sue Whalen and the 60-member strong ObamaQuilters have collaborated on both an exhibit of Obama-themed quilts and a catalog. The group published their 120-page, full-color catalog via President Obama: A Celebration in Art Quilts is available in softback, hardback with dust jacket and hardback with an image wrap (photo printed on the hard cover). The softback is $24.95. has free software to assist you in the bookmaking process. The software allows even the non-techie among us to create photo books of our own quilts. With your book is printed after it is ordered online. This process is called print-on-demand printing. Little more expensive than other print methods, but better for the environment. The one downside to a book? No ISBN - the 13 digit code that unlocks the world of other book distribution. You won't see a book on Amazon or other online sellers, for the most part.

I've just ordered my copy of President Obama: A Celebration in Art Quilts and look forward to seeing the glorious quilts included. Congratulations to the ObamaQuilters. Enjoy!

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