Saturday, July 14, 2012

Edna Patterson-Petty's Fabrics Work Now Published!

Congratulations to East St. Louis art quilter Edna Patterson-Petty on the publication of her new book, Fabrics Work: My Creative Journey!

What motivated you to create a quilt catalog?
"I started the process in 2010 with and never completed it for whatever reason, and as an outcome I became frustrated. It wasn't until Kyra published her book "How to Self-Publish Your Own Quilt Catalog," that I signed up to follow her blog, and I then decided to finish what I started, but this time with perseverance and CreateSpace."

Was your publishing process difficult or expensive?
"Pulling the information together was not difficult since I had started the process before, but the difficult part was working with a new version of Micrsoft Word 2010. Everything was way different from what I was used to with the old version. So, I had to have help in "ironing" out a few things. The process of creating the catalog was not expensive, it was free."

How does it feel to have a finished catalog of your quilts?
"I feel relieved, excited and nervious all at the same time. It is like creating a new art piece, and not knowing how it will be accepted by my peers. But all's good, I have FAITH."

What advice do you have for other quilters or guilds considering making a catalog?
"My advice is to go for it, for those of us that need a little help, Kyra simplified it in her book. So, it is time to stop talking about it and be about it!"

Would you like to add anything else?
"Yes, I would like to thank God for the good, the bad and the ability to make it through. In the words of MARY, MARY - "Go Get Your Blessing."

Fabrics Work: My Creative Journey is available on Amazon. This 28-page, full-color quilt catalog includes 18 quilts and an essay by Edna Patterson-Petty.  Congratulations Edna!!


  1. A big Congratulations to Edna Patterson-Petty! I will have to own a copy of the book.

    Kyra, you are an amazing inspiration and have helped so many of us by exposing our art. You must be commended and another Big Congratulations to you!


  2. I would have to agree with the previous post from Diana. Kyra, thank you for motivating quilters and fiber artists to document in a catalog our quilts and various forms of art! So thankful and as a fellow quilter said, "It's time to be about the business of getting our work published for all the world to see!"


  3. Such a wonderful, unique idea! To quilt a it!
    Love your blog, Kyra. Beautiful, informative, professional and FUN :)
