I asked Ms. Lumumba yesterday if she would answer a few questions to give insights to others who are following the Publish Your Quilts blog.
What motivated you to create a quilt catalog?
Mrs. Lumumba: I was motivated to create my quilt catalog by Ms. Kyra Hicks. First, I had seen the advertising for her book, How to Self-Publish Your Own Quilt Catalog, and I made a mental note to get one. When I finally got the workbook in my hands, the wheels inside my brain started to roll. I opened the package at the post office and read (the workbook) at red lights on the way home. I sat down and read the book in its entirety before I put it down. I was so inspired that I knew right away what I wanted to do.
Was your publishing process difficult or expensive?
The Publish Your Quilts blog and the workbook were both very helpful. I felt like the blog gave me a chance to communicate with the author, that I would not have otherwise with just the book. The process was so easy. The workbook laid it all out very clearly. I simply followed step-by-step. The beautiful truth is that it cost me absolutely nothing. When I tell others that I did it for free, they look at me like something green is dripping from my head. It is an amazing process. I used CreateSpace to publish my catalog. I found it really easy to use as well. Whenever I was stumped, I called them up. They responded immediately. The customer service was great.
How does it feel to have a finished catalog of your quilts?
The only answer I can give is giggly! I remember being young and everything was funny. My girlfriends and I would laugh for hours, sometimes at nothing. My friend's mother would say, "why are you all laughing?" That is how I feel about my new book. I feel like laughing for no reason. When I first saw my catalog online and available for sale, I was over the moon with excitement. This is something I have wanted to do for a long time. Ms. Hicks has opened a door for me with the information in her workbook.
What advice do you have for other quilters or guilds considering making a catalog?
I advise anyone considering making a catalog to go for it. "Nothing beats the heck out of a failure, but a try." It costs nothing to try it. I'd say make sure you take quality pictures of your work.
Would you like to add anything else?
I know many people may be afraid to take such a big step, but if you do, you will find that it is well worth it. Dare to be like Nike: "Just Do It."
---- Again , congratulations to Atlanta quilter Aisha Lumumba for her new catalog, Gifted. If you have any questions you'd like to ask Mrs. Lumumba, feel free to leave in the Comments area here. Also - take a moment to see her catalog on Amazon, if you like what you see click the "Like" button near the title... and maybe purchase a copy for yourself or a Mother's Day gift (smile!). Enjoy!
Update: This post was featured in the Huffington Post - Arts Section. Click to read.
Congratulations, Aisha....Thanks for the encouragement.... you and Kyra are such an encouragement...Thanks Again....Sherry Ann.
Congrat Aisha, I hope to soon follow in your steps. Had some personal life set backs but I have everything together just have to go that next step. So proud that you took the plunge and I know many of us will follow. And thanks to Kyra in being an inspiration to all.
Sherry Ann and Edna
Thank you for your comments. Glad that you are considering creating your own catalog to share with us all!
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